guide, Plants

How to Take Care Leea Amabilis — Full Guide

by maspan


Leaa Amabilis is one of the tropical houseplants from Borneo and some parts of Malaysia. They can grow up to 6ft high or 180cm as they expected healthy growth.

Leea Amabilis is easy to take care of and do-able for any beginner plant parent. They don’t require high maintenance.

But hey knowledge is power, here is what you need to know how to take care of Leea Amabilis before you buy the plans from

Plants Character

Buy Leea Amabilis for sale
Buy Leea Amabilis

Leea Amabilis has jagged foliage with deep dark brownish-green and white tripes on the midrib. Their new foliage starts with small bright crimson and turns into pale rose before grow as mature ones.

If you see them closer, they have symmetrical petiole with bright crimson color.    

Leea Amabilis can survive in indirect light. In their original habitats, they will grow in the below shades of big trees to avoid direct light from the sun.

Leea Amabilis is a slow plant to grow.


soil for plants
soil for plants

The best soil for Leea Amabilis is easy drainage mix soil. Plus point when they have enough air pocket to make their roots breath.

The airy pocket in the soil mix also helps to prevent root rot in case watering too much.


watering plants

Leea Amabilis water needs are moderate. You can water them twice or thrice a week during summer on a hot day. As winter comes, you only need to watering once in two weeks will be okay.

The best water is distilled water or rainwater. Please avoid tap water to feed them since it will leave a water deposit mark most of the time. 

Always keep an eye for their needs. The watering suggestion can vary depends on the environment and the plants themselves.


humidity plants
Add extra humidity to your plants

Leea Amabilis like high humidity, around 70-100%. Make sure you always set this temperature to keep them growing healthy.

In case you don’t have enough humidity, you can make your own humidifiers. Start with spray the room around. As the water evaporates, the humidity will rise.

Another way to increase the humidity is to make a greenhouse for the plants. It can be as simple as wrap the plants in a plastic bag with extra air, not in a vacuum mode. 


thermometer by Jonathan Kemper

Leea Amabilis originally come from the rainforest in Borneo. On average, the temperature of the rainforest would be 20-25°C or 68-77°F. 

This plants can’t handle the cold below those numbers in general. They will shock and freeze. As a result, they will be super weak and slowly dying.

Buy Leea Amabilis

After knowing about Leea Amabilis, do you still want to get this plants? In we have this plant available for sale. The price for this plant is only $5/each. Use coupon LEEADEAL to get the deal. This coupon only valid for 3 plants. If you buy more plants, you will charge normal price. Buy leea amabilis right now.

You also can get wholesale for the Leea Amabilis plants with cheap prices. You only need to pay $149 to get 10 plants. Grab it now, before too late, because we only have limited stock on this plants.

Handle after Shipping

wholesale leea amabilis for sale

Once you get your plants, the first thing to do is open the package carefully. Then remove the sphagnum moss gently to avoid hurting the roots. Labijo will always send plants with plenty of new healthy roots. Just in case some people accidentally cut roots.

When everything is clean, usually you will receive sad plants. This is normal as long as the roots are healthy. Sad plants caused by a long trip from another country before getting to your door.

Put your new Leaa Amabillis into the cup of freshwater. Please change the water every day.

Let them sink in for few days until they normal again before potting them. 

Leea Amabilis doesn’t need a lot of maintenance because they kind of pest resistant. Want to buy Leea Ambilis? You can get it here. 


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